Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New Location!

Hi Everyone!  Meg and I decided to move our blog over to
So come check us out there!  Thanks for joining us!

Thanks Blogspot for a rocking good time!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Adventures in Natural Birthing

Don't get too excited yet, neither myself (Megan) nor Ashley are pregnant.  However, I plan to be one day (of course after I marry the man of my dreams (Hi Babe!)).  Anyway, my pregnant future is imminent and being the consummate planner that I am (I am my mother's daughter after all)  I decided to start my homework.

I have always been fascinated by pregnancy and the magic surrounding the process.  As I've mentioned before, my mother gave me  Dr. Christiane Northrup's amazing book, Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom a couple of years ago and the book blew my mind.  Never before had I acknowledged the extraordinary power of women's bodies nor had I equally appreciated the wisdom that we all have intrinsically.

As I've started gathering information and learning from other women's stories, I really think that an at-home water birth is for me.  I love the idea of approaching birth as the most natural event a women's body will ever encounter.  It just feels right (that's what I'm saying for now at least!).  Bloom Yoga Studio and Inner Birth here in Chicago are two invaluable companies that offer classes, workshops, and support to women at all stages of life whether you are a information seeker or looking to warm up your three year old to the idea of becoming a big sister.  Definitely check out the birthing stories on Inner Birth's website, they are truly breathtaking.

Well, that's all for now, I am so excited to keep everyone updated as this journey begins!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

How Much Stess Can We Take?

You know that tingly feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you've found yourself smack dab in the middle of some major (or minor) life/work/emotional/romantic crisis?  Your palms start to sweat, your heart rate increases, and your vision blurs a bit while the adrenalin is pumping.

The physiological definition of stress (according to Webster’s Dictionary) is quite interesting:  “…a specific response by the body to a stimulus, as fear or pain, that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium of an organism.” We know that stress is necessary in all of our lives; otherwise the runaway bus that is hurling down the street in our direction would be of no interest. We rely on stress to keep us out of trouble, but for many it's the stress itself that is putting us in harm's way.

About six months ago, I was experiencing constant pain throughout my shoulders, neck, and back.  Although I practice yoga and am active and healthy, I just couldn't shake the consistent soreness.  I decided to see a chiropractor for some help.  We went through the typical new patient questions, just giving him a brief synopsis of my life.  As he was checking my pulse, he looked up at my cautiously.

"Am I making you nervous?"

 I felt bad that he would think this.

 "No."  I told him.

At that moment we were talking about my job, and I was explaining the agonizing toxicity of the environment.  He then told me that my heart rate was so elevated in reaction to this conversation that as a medical professional he should admit me to the hospital.  He blatantly told me that if my heart continues to be regularly put under such duress, I will have a heart attack before I turn 30. 

Where did I go wrong?  How did I end up here?   I always thrived under stress; I felt like that was really when I had the opportunity to shine. How was I so oblivious to the fact that my life consisted of endless strands of sweat-inducing, gut flipping, nail biting melodramas?  I had to ask myself:  “Is this job really worth it?” I know that many of us deal with the same basic question whether in regards to our relationships, money, family or fears.  Needless to say, my answer was no and I immediately realized the urgency for a major life overhaul. 

I quit my job and started collecting the pieces of myself that were left in the wake of my stress-induced binge.    I discovered how dreadfully out of balance life had become for me.  I made a promise to reconnect with My Mind, My Body, and My Spirit and to never again lose touch of their enormous gravity.

I am beyond grateful to welcome this refreshing sense of peace back into my life.  I am ecstatic as a I start my next journey to intimately understand the peace we all seek.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jackson Pollock's (Very) Early Years

Remember when Mom told us to stop playing with our food?  Scratch that!

Frigid Chicago winters present us with the opportunity to really be creative when looking for ways to engage the little ones.  I spend four days a week with a sweet eight month old who is endlessly curious and abundantly energetic-she is the perfect guinea pig for my "Make Your Own Fun Winter Challenge"!

First on my list is Edible Organic Finger Paints...

I went to the craft store and found a six foot long roll of white foam.  I decided this would be a better canvas than paper because we can wash off and reuse the foam sheets.  Also, since our young artist is still crawling, I knew she would have a blast if we just sat her in the center of the action on the floor.

I popped into Whole Foods and picked up some organic and colorful fruits and veggies.  Think sweet potatoes, spinach, squash, apples, string beans, or carrots.  I roasted the sweet potatoes before blending them into a puree by simply adding water.  

Our little one was a little apprehensive after I poured the paint out in front of her.  She looked up at me with a mild suspicion, but once I slapped my hand into the center of the mess she happily joined in the fun.  

We had a royal good time talking about the shapes, letters, and numbers we drew in the rich orange paint.  I am excited to experiment with more colors as we start to introduce even more yummy fruits and vegetables!

Send us photographs of your budding artists' masterpiece:

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lady Gaga - Role Model?

                                                                                             courtesy of
Blood-drenched lace costumes, fierce props, eccentric wigs, exotic makeup, outrageous and theatrical describes Miss Lady Gaga.  She's the latest rage these days but has been around for quite some time, studying and performing as a young child and into her teens.

I caught her on Oprah and was quite surprised by her humbleness. Heightened humbless, I'm sure, due to the nature of the program (and exhaustion?) Nevertheless, her creativity is undeniable - her visions  extremely clear and thought provoking.  

The confidence she exudes on stage is quite impressive.  I'm sure her parents played a huge part in developing this creative "monster".  According to Gaga in an interview with, her mother stated "Little baby girl, you can be whatever you want, and you are beautiful and you are talented and you could rule the world".  Powerful words in which Gaga took to heart.

While the formula for the recent rise in female pop stars relies heavily on looks and simple lyrics with vocals fed through processors, Lady Gaga fuses performance art with thought-provoking lyrics and has the musical chops to back it up.  As a mom of a young girl, do I think she's a role-model for women?  Yes.  In fact, I think she's an untraditional inspirational role model because she follows her heart and makes no apologies.

Friday, January 15, 2010

New Design Soon!

Hi Everyone!  Thanks for your support!  We are in the process of getting a new layout and design.  Please be patient and keep checking the site out for improvements!


Thursday, January 14, 2010

One Small Change

Our Earth has a special place in my heart - it's our home.  That's why it's important for me to teach my  kids how to love where they live, appreciate the nature, how to reduce, reuse, recycle and how to save our natural resources as best as we can.  This is all in hopes that they will be responsible earth friendly adults.

My friend, Sarah, introduced me to a blog called Hip Mountain Mama.  The site is filled with loads of great natural products and ideas on how we can help save our planet and enjoy nature with family.   Suzy, the hip mountain mama, posted a challenge on her site - to make ONE SMALL CHANGE each month leading up to Earth Day, April 22nd. The mission - to create a community of individuals who want to make a positive green impact.  Her thought is if everyone makes 4 changes between the months of January to April, this could have a huge effect.  I couldn't agree more, which is why I decided to participate in this fantastic endeavor.

Our family partakes in recycling, reusing, and reducing by using cloth napkins, diapers, and cleaning rags as much as possible.  We use environmentally safe cleaning products. (I make my own using Castile soap and water - it works like a charm!) We also walk or ride our bikes (when weather permits) and our thermostat is as low as we can stand it - we dress in layers and wear warm slippers.

The change my family is going to make for Month 1 is in combination with one of my 2010 resolutions: to clear my home of clutter - basically get rid of anything my family does not need or that doesn't bring us joy.  I am going to donate the stuff to the local Salvation Army, freecycle it or list it on Craigslist.

I am going to start in my living room and work my way around my home.  I don't think this will be an easy task, but I am determined and will let you know my progress.


Our Prayers are With You, Haiti

The people of Haiti are in our thoughts and prayers during this catastrophic time.  This wave of devastation is nothing like we have ever seen.  Our human nature yearns to help during this time.

Here are safe ways you can help too:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What Are You Going To Bring In This Year?

Christmastime has come and gone and a new year is officially upon us.  The holidays and their aftermath can bring a wide arrange of emotions for us all ranging from elation to dread. Last month, as my family and I prepared for our festivities to begin, we couldn't help but admit that a sense of sadness had sunk in.  My stepfather passed away two summers ago, and since then things have just been different.  

My mother, with her infinite well of wisdom, came up with an idea - a way to make amends with our looming feelings and to emotionally clean house.  She instructed us to decide what we were ready to leave behind in 2009, and write that list down.  Also, we were told to compile a list of what we are going to bring into our lives in the new year.   The process was incredibly eye opening; it felt good to put those feelings down on paper.  After dinner we all read our lists aloud, which included some tears.  Sharing those raw emotions was healing, especially when in the company of those you love.  To close our ceremony, we shuffled out to the backyard and tossed the "Leaving Behind" lists into a small fire that my mom had made. As we stood in the snow, I really felt a sense of freedom and peace wash over me as I watched my own sadness, worry, and regret turn into ash.

I am grateful to start anew. I'm happy to cherish the past but keep shuffling towards the abundance, happiness, and joy that is all around us.

Who Said Living With a 3yr Old Was Easy?

Instant tantrums, power struggles, 30 minute crying fits, whining, talking back is a typical day for me and my 3 year old.  My quest for innerpeace is definitely challenged by my spirited daughter on a daily basis.  She's a sweet girl, very cute and when she wants to be - a good girl.  However, I don't know what's come over her these days.  Lately, she's been driving me up a wall, leaving me feeling frustrated, anxious and vunerable.  Is it me?  Is it her age? Am I not listening to her?

I used to say I wasn't going to be "that parent." Before I had kids, I thought I was going to be a great mom who listens to my children, which would prevent any type of ill behavior.  Um, yeah, I was wrong!  I do everything in my power to keep her calm, happy and healthy, but kids will be kids.  My husband and I are trying our best to strike a balance between having the upper-hand and letting her express herself, but quite honestly, it's not working to our benefit!

I know it's a phase that will pass shortly, but in the meantime, let's pray that I make it out with some sanity!

This isn't an easy situation and after discussing it with other moms last night, I'm not the only one.  Bottom line: it's a difficult age and I'm going to have to suck it up, not let my frustration get the best of me and BREATHE when times get rough. 

Monday, January 11, 2010

Do Bees Really Have Knees?

The other night, I was giving my kids a bath, and let's just say it didn't go so well.

Earlier that day, I was walking around Mertz Apothecary in Lincoln Square, and I felt giddy as a girl in a candy store while I checked out the surplus of organic and "natural" body care products for my kiddos. After much deliberation, Burt's Bees Baby Shampoo & Wash was the winner.  Its "natural" reputation and price point were the deciding factors in my bath time purchase.  

Later that night...

The kiddos WERE NOT happy if a drop of this got in their eyes.  tear-free, I don't think so.

After my ordeal of soothing my slippery screaming tots and their burning eyes, I took another look at the bottle's tear-free and  96.08% natural label.  I asked myself what is that 3.9% doing to my children and their  future vision?  I found "fragrance" listed in the ingredients.  Hmmmm....that leaves a lot open for interpretation, don't you think?

Our quest for a
sodium lauryl-free/laureth sulfate-free bath continues!

I'll keep you posted.

So What Inspires You?

                                                                      Art work by Esther Aarts

People get inspired by different things.  I get inspired by Art (both creating and appreciating) and organization (a skill that I aspire to have).  My husband gets inspired by music, my sister - vintage fashion.

For some, sources of inspiration come from nature, photography, recycling, sex, exercise, children, traveling, reading, helping others and the list goes on.

Most times we feel inspired, but I think these days, more than ever, people are feeling less than inspired with the holidays behind us and chilly weather on the horizon for the next few months.  Why not dump these uninspired feelings and start finding or reconnecting with what makes us HAPPY?

What inspires you?  What gives you that "excited" feeling?  Is it your family? Your partner in life? Your job? It could be anything that makes your life feel purposeful and really pumped to be alive.

On the media side of things, it's an easy time to get the encouragement.  Magazines, TV and a plethora of books are front and center with tips to help you "lose weight", "detoxify your body", "get organized", "get connected with your family", etc.  Let's ride on this encouragement to find that something that inspires you and let's feed it with love, hard work and happiness.

Please share your stories!  Would love to hear what inspires you.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's Here!

I really could not be more excited to read Elizabeth Gilbert's latest book Committed,  Sceptic Makes Peace With Marriage.  The title strikes a personal chord with anyone - whether your are a devout and loyal romantic or cautious with your heart that has been broken before.  There was a period of about six months that I slept with her book "Eat, Pray, Love" under my pillow. I just could not get enough of the richness of her words.  Her pain spoke to me, and when she found the peace that often comes after the pain, my world shifted.  I realized that it is our human right to have that peace, and that it is always waiting for us on the other side.

Happy reading.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

10 Sources of (INNER)PEACE for 2010

2010 has arrived and I'm feeling pumped for the new year and the beginning of a new decade!

People are getting inspired, getting healthy, realizing the importance of what we are putting in and on our bodies, conscious of the fact that our earth is precious and that we need to do everything in our power to heal it, realizing we truly have the power to help people around the world, and that we have total control of our thoughts (no matter how hard we have to work at it).

'10 sources of (inner)peace:

1.  The children in our lives.  Kids have this amazing way of forcing us to be PRESENT.  They are in the moment when they are running around, playing, eating, etc.  They focus on the task at hand, which is something that us adults need to remind ourselves to do.

2. Our Moms.  Both Meg and I have truly amazing moms.  Speaking for myself, I was the typical teenager who liked to do things my way.  My mom and I used to butt heads often, but as the years pass, she has inspired me to follow my dreams, be confident in what I do, to think for myself, and to have a lot of fun while doing it.  Meg's mom has been such a great support for her, as well.  She opened her eyes to trusting her life's path.  We are so thankful for them.

3.  You!  Thank you for all of your support in making this possible and for encouraging us to experience life on many different levels, and to share our thoughts.  We truly enjoy this process and look forward to living enlightened lives with you.

4.  Our significant others.  They are amazing, supportive and allow us to be who we truly are.

5.  Our friendships.  I can honestly say, Meg and I have wonderful friends who make us laugh, encourage us to live life to the fullest; and allow us to share our concerns, happiness and good fortune with one another.

6.  Books.  Books are an essential source of inspiration for the(Inner)Peace project.  As our libraries grow, so do our minds.

7.  Our city, Chicago. What a wonderful city with good people.  We are fortunate to have many facilities, beautiful gardens and architecture, wellness centers, etc. around as sources of inspiration.

8.  Vegetables and Fruit.  As I learn the benefits of raw fruit and vegetables, the more excited I get to consume them.  Eating well can truly make a difference in how our brain functions.  On a physical level, it makes our bodies feel great and it helps to keep a well balanced mind.

9.  Music.  Nothing like music to bring back a great memory, make us smile, dance, sing, and feel pure joy that inspires us to live in the moment.

10.  LOVE

We truly hope you have an inspired 2010.  Remember, anything is possible.  Put your mind to whatever you want to achieve and make it your best year ever!  That's our plan.