Saturday, December 12, 2009

Eco-Friendly Tip Of The Day

This tip is from my sister-in-law, Lisa, who is very environmentally conscious!

"When your plastic shower liner gets soap scum or mold on it, instead of throwing it away, wash it in the washer with a large bath towel and hot water. The towel acts as a scrub brush to get all the icky stuff off.  If the liner needs softening up after the wash, throw it in the dryer for 3 minutes-but don't forget about it or it will melt!"

Thanks for sharing, Lisa!!!  If you have any tips you would like to share, please email them to!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had known this earlier! I tossed mine a couple months ago, but was wishing there was some way to recycle it. Now I know I can wash it in the machine! sweet!
