It took me all of 29 years to realize that we as human beings make ourselves suffer. Don’t get me wrong, it is obvious we do not enjoy suffering. Whether it is from a death, divorce or financial crisis, we generally do not enjoy being put through the ringer. But some of us do not face our problems the healthy way, which leads to more and more unhappiness.
Here’s the thing: so often is the case, that instead of facing our problem and working our way through it, we throw it back into our mind. We bury it. We trap it. We cover it up, continue on with life, and it gets stuck down there in our soul or our subconscious or wherever you want to believe it goes. And it stays there.
It would be one thing if the problem just stayed put (wow, would all of our problems be solved). But, that’s not the way it works. This problem soon becomes exacerbated. It thrives on not being dealt with, and it forces us to unconsciously make decisions for the rest of our lives in a different way. Whereas, if we would have dealt with the problem head first, we could potentially have avoided years of subconscious torment. Face it, whether you want to admit it or not, once you bury your problems and do not deal with them, they come out in other ways. They are not happy buried in your soul or your mind. They find a way to resurface. Six months or six years later, eventually, they resurface. And more often than not, they have resurfaced in a completely different shape and taken on a life of their own.
So now is the time to deal with your past, starting with the problems you have buried. We need to untrap the negative thoughts that have stemmed from a major area of trauma in our past lives. We all have them! Because whether we like it or not, the problems that delve under the surface become traumas. Once buried into our subconscious long enough, they change who we are, how we think and our decision-making process. Simply put, they make us unhappy. It might take a few years, but it happens.
Learn to be honest with yourself about the problems you have not dealt with. Meditation, counseling, yoga, journaling….unlock the potential of who you can be, simply by confronting your past and beginning the journey to heal. Your mind, body and soul will thank you.
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